
COMPASSION - Reclaiming children from poverty in Jesus' name.

Let me tell you a little about Compassion before I introduce you to our sponsored children.

What is Compassion?

Compassion is a "Christian organisation" who tries to take children out of poverty.

Where does Compassion work?

Compassion partners with local churches in 26 countries across the world.

How much of my sponsorship money reaches my child?

Compassion is fully accountable to its sponsors and the annual report and accounts, conducted by an independent accounts firm, are available on the website.

How long will my sponsorship last?

Sponsorship lasts until a child finishes their education, which is usually between 16 and 23 years of age depending on the country the child lives in and their personal circumstances. If the situation of the child you sponsor alters and they leave the Compassion project, we will let you know as soon as possible.

What happens if I stop my sponsorship?

Please let us know if you have to end your sponsorship. We will immediately look for a new sponsor and the development of your child will continue uninterrupted.

What happens if there is more than one child in the family?

Compassion aims to reach as many families as possible. Generally, only one child from a family will attend a project, but if a family has great needs up to three children could be enrolled. The benefits of the programme reach the whole family through interaction with staff, health screening nutritional advice and supplies, parenting workshops and other church activities.

Sponsored children often share what they learn at the Compassion project with siblings and many lead their families to Christ.

Does Compassion just help Christian children?

Children who attend Compassion projects come from a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds. We help the neediest children in a community regardless of their faith. The parents of children are made aware that Compassion is a Christian organisation.

Team Jackson are presently sponsoring two children, both are boys


Margaret Turnbull

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