The Boy's Brigade - 1st Airdrie Company
Jackson Church Boys’ Brigade (BB) meet in the church halls on Fridays.
There are three separate sections to accommodate the different ages of boys.
Primary 1 to 3 called the Anchor Boys meet from 6-7pm. The programme is full of games and fun with the boys wearing a distinctive red sweatshirt.
Primary 4-6 called the Junior Section meet from 7.15-8.45 pm. They wear a blue sweatshirt, school trousers and shoes. The programme follows national BB guidelines including craft activities and games. The boys bring PE kit for the games activities. They have a tuck shop at the end of the evening.
Primary 7- Secondary 6 are the Company Section and they meet from 7.15-10pm. They wear a blue shirt uniform with school trousers and shoes. A national badge programme is followed with an emphasis on games and physical activities. Many boys manage to achieve the highest awards available within the BB. These boys also enjoy the weekly tuck shop.
All sections take an active part in Battalion competitions and have a long history of success.
All sections are staffed with highly experienced and enthusiastic leaders.
The Company does NOT charge any joining fee with only a small weekly donation requested.
For further information feel free to contact the Company Captain Alan Burns. His email address