Motto: Whose we are and whom we serve.
Jackson Guild meets every fortnight - 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 7pm to 8.30 pm in the downstairs small hall.
The session runs from September until March with a closing social evening when we invite members and friends from our own families and church family.
The meetings consist of opening worship and welcome/discussion time, we then hand over to our guest or speaker. The meeting finishes with tea, biscuits or home baking at 8.15/8.30. It is a very informal, friendly group of members are part of the committee and have a say in all matters and decision making.
The treasurer collects our offering and our capitation fees each fortnight and generally looks after all financial aspects of the post as required.
The secretary looks after the roll, bookings of speakers and all clerical needs.
The convener chairs the meeting and organises the opening worship and also keeps in touch with Guilds Together and the Guild Office.
The Guild worldwide supports 6 different projects every 3 years, and Jackson also support Erskine and the Leprosy Mission.
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to anyone who would like to join us. Men are welcome too.

Jean Cane Carol Ann Hendrie Sandra Andrews
Treasurer Convener Secretary