Morning All
The word I have chosen today for the letter S in my alphabet challenge is SPECIAL. I am sure there are many people in your lives who are special to you. Thank God for them right now. I am equally sure you have many many memories of special occasions shared with friends and loved ones. Reflect and thank God for them right now. Here's the thing - do you know you really are a very special child in the eyes of God. If you do, thank Him for that truth right now. If you don't know then believe this wee Minister - coz she doesn't tell porky pies, well no big ones anyway - I am telling you here and now that you are. You are so special, so so special that God loves you as though there was only one of you to love. So no matter what your day holds take heart and relish in that truth YOU ARE SPECIAL TO THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and He loves you unconditionally, happy days and praise His name. Rev Kay
God loves you - No Matter What
PRAYER: Father God thank You for thinking I am special. Thank You for believing in me, help me to believe in myself coz when I do that then maybe just maybe I will believe I am special and precious in Your sight and I will be able to live my life to the full and achieve all my hopes and dreams in the knowledge I am worth so much more than what I think I am. Amen
I'm special because God has loved me
For He gave the best thing that He had to save me
His own son Jesus crucified to take the blame for all the bad things I have done.
Thank You Jesus, thank You Lord,
For loving me so much.
I know I don't deserve anything.
Help me feel Your love right now,
To know deep in my heart
That I'm Your special friend.