Morning All
The word I have chosen for the letter E in my alphabet daily message challenge is ENDURANCE. We have all had to endure much these past weeks. Endure daily challenges within this Lockdown. Endure endless information which often seems conflicting. Endure the worry and anxiety. Endure daily statistics and more - quite negative endurance's. The word Endure I think often conjures up a feeling of negativity, you know kind of like - 'oh I had to put up with (endure) such and such'. But my friends endurance often leads to positive outcomes - think of Moses 40 years to get to the Promised Land he and the Israelites endures all the trials of the wilderness and poor Moses never even got to enter the Promised Land but I am certain his endurance brought him great joy in serving his Lord and giving him the glory. He faced and withstood those years with courage, persistent and faithful. What about you, what situation(s) are you facing just now? How is your endurance level? If it's waning what can you do to kick start it again? If it's at an okay level what can you do to maintain it? In the book of Isaiah 40:31
But those who trust in the Lord for help
find their strength renewed.
They will rise on wings like eagles;
they will run and not get weary;
they will walk and not grow weak.
Rev Kay
God Loves You - No Matter What
PRAYER - see image and repeat aloud. Amen
CHORUS: To the tune of the Flintstones-
God's love is the best love that the world has ever ever known
deeper than the deep sea is the love that God above has shown
Higher than a rocket up in space
Wider than the total human race
God's love is the best love that the world has ever, has ever ever, has ever known.