Good morning all, the word beginning with the letter Z in my alphabet challenge is ZOOM. At the moment the word Zoom is being used more and more in our vocabulary. It's not that we are zooming about all over the place going from shop to shop - queues prevent us from doing that. It's not that we are zooming from one job to the next or socialising etc... it's not as the dictionary says to 'move along very quickly or rise rapidly'
But it does mean we can very quickly tune in to family, friends, work, colleagues. teachers, conferences... using the zoom app many of you may have downloaded and used. It enables you to see as well as hear the people you are interacting with, whether for professional or personal reasons. There are a few different apps being used at this time helping with communication. I have some good news for you - you don't need a zoom app or any other app for that matter to communicate or get in touch with God. He was in the business of IT and communications long before these apps were ever invented. It's called prayer. Best zoom conference ever!! He will always listen, He will always answer, He looks forward to hearing from you. Now you might be thinking, yes that's great but I can't see Him ( like I can with zoom) even though He can see me...well I would challenge you today to think about if that's true or not. Where can you 'see' God at work day and daily? That's your challenge for today and I am confident you will zoom/rise to the challenge
Rev Kay
God loves you - No Matter What
PRAYER: Father God may I always be willing to zoom right into the heart of prayer with You and thank You that when I do You are always at the other end accepting my call. Today may I feel blessed as I think about all the ways I see you at work in my life and in the world. Amen
CHORUS: kids chorus
I may never march in the infantry
Ride with the cavalry
Shoot the artillery
I may never zoom over enemy
But I'm in the Lord's army
I'm in the Lord's army (yes, sir)
I'm in the Lord's army (yes, sir)
I may never march in the infantry
Ride with the cavalry
Shoot the artillery
I may never zoom over enemy
But I'm in the Lord's army