Morning All
The word I have chosen today for the letter O in my alphabet challenge is OVERFLOWING. So question for you - are you overflowing with God's love this morning? I'll leave that for you to answer. We are all at different stages in our journey of life. We are all dealing with different circumstances in our lives. We are all - I imagine - asking lots of questions about the present situation and I also imagine we all have an opinion about it. Here's the thing WE ARE ALL being bathed in God's love and it overflows, a never ending waterfall of His precious love for us. Romans 15:13 says
' I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace while you trust in him. Then your hope will overflow by the power of the Holy Spirit'.
I echo that prayer for you and yours today, tomorrow and forever. Rev Kay
God loves you - No Matter What
PRAYER: Lord thank You that Your love for me overflows, overflows and overflows some more. May I always be open and willing to be drenched and soaked to the skin by that truth that my love for You never dries up. What an amazing God You are and I praise Your holy name forever. Amen
CHORUS: old favourite
Running over, running over
My cups full and running over.
Since the Lord saved me I'm as happy as can be,
My cups full and running over.
Telling others, telling others,
My life's work is telling others,
Since the Lord lives in me
I'm as happy as can be
My life's work is telling others