Morning All,
I thought I would set myself a challenge and try to post an encouraging image with a message to match going through the letters of the Alphabet - big task maybe but I love a challenge and I am sure if there is a day I get 'stuck' you will forgive me. So today I am starting with APPRECIATION. I really - appreciate - the words on the image. We all feel a sense of self worth when someone tells us they appreciate us or what we did or do for them. Not in a conceited way but with a sense of satisfaction that our action(s) helped another. See a lot of that just now - especially with our clapping on Thursday evenings for the NHS, or doing neighbours shopping etc all those acts of kindness are appreciated and even though those acts are done out of love seeking nothing in return, it's nice to be appreciated. So your challenge for today - is there someone you need to show your appreciation to today - don't need grand gestures just the words, ' thank you I appreciate all you do for me'.
Rev Kay
God loves you - No Matter What
PRAYER: God our Father, in case I haven't said it often enough, I appreciate Your love, Your forgiveness, Your acceptance, Your understanding, Your wisdom and guidance.... in fact I appreciate all of You and especially for always being there for me and never ever letting me down, so great is Your love. AMEN
I'm accepted, I'm forgiven,
I am fathered by the true and living God.
I'm accepted, no condemnation,
I am loved by the true and living God.
There's no guilt or fear as I draw near
To the Saviour and creator of the world,
There is joy and peace as I release
My worship to You O Lord