tMorning All
The word I have chosen today for the letter H in my alphabet challenge is HALLELUJAH.... a shout or song of praise to God. However sometimes it's not used that way - how often have you said 'hallelujah' when you finished a task, or last exam, or a shift at work and I am sure God won't mind, I think He would accept the sentiment in which its was said - a thankful exclamation. Praising God and singing or shouting Hallelujah is a wonderful way to share your love for Him. Some Christian praise services people shout out Hallelujah or Praise God when moved by the Holy Spirit to do so - truth be told you don't hear of that in many Presbyterian churches, when I visit Lynne in USA it is common in the church she often worships in on Saturday nights. If something brings you joy today or you finish a task or you walk an extra mile or finish your daily workout DVD - if you complete something you never thought you would then feel free to shout Hallelujah. If you want to just give God thanks and praise for His undying love then do that too. Hallelujah, God is love, He loves me and He loves you, what's not to shout Hallelujah about
Rev Kay
God loves you - No Matter What
PRAYER: hallelujah, hallelujah and hallelujah what a great and loving God You are and what a privilege it is for me to know you as my Heavenly Father, my friend, my companion, my Saviour and Lord. Hallelujah what a Saviour. Amen
CHORUS: ( do the actions ) if there is more than one of you singing this. One stands up for the Hallelu's then the other stands up for the Praise ye the Lord. Then swap
Hallelu , hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah
Praise the the Lord
Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah
Praise ye the Lord.
Praise ye the Lord,
Praise ye the Lord,
Praise ye the Lord,
Praise ye the Lord.