I bet you were all wondering what word I could choose beginning with the letter X in my alphabet challenge...well so was I so I trudged the dictionary and Mr Google and have to admit defeat today and go with eXcluded. (wonder what Z will bring?)

I chose eXcluded not to remind us or make us feel anymore 'down or dumped' than we already are being excluded from our family, friends, church, work, recreation, normal every day activities. But, to remind us that in this eXclusion period we are not excluded from caring for one another, from showing acts of kindness - which is the theme for this week's Mental Health Awareness Week - from learning a new skill, from taking up a new hobby, from making a telephone call, from improving our level of fitness ( maybe that made some of you lol) from making someone laugh, from doing something silly, from ............fill in the space. We may be physically eXcluded from doing many things, but spiritually and emotionally we are not. We can still use our inner strength and ability to help ourselves and others. There is also one person you can never be eXcluded from and who will never eXclude you from His love, His kindness, His compassion, His understanding, His forgiveness, His acceptance, His virtual hugs and that is the Lord Jesus Christ, who knew what it was like here one earth to be eXcluded, so He gets it! If you know anyone who may be feeling totally eXcluded today from life, if you can, show them a little kindness, in this week of Mental Health Awareness.

Rev Kay

God loves you - No Matter What

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank You that I am never excluded from Your love and nothing I will ever do could change that, such is the vastness of Your love for me. I pray for all those who may be suffering from mental health issues which could be exacerbated at this time in our world. May they know Your healing peace within them and around them. I pray too for their families who may feel helpless and uncertain how best to support them. Lord, give me the wisdom and the faith to include You in my daily life, Amen


Faithful One, so unchanging; ageless one, You're my rock of peace.

Lord of all, I depend on You, I call out to You again and again,

I call out to You again and again.

You are my rock in times of trouble, You lift me up when I fall down;

all through the storm Your love is the anchor - my hope is in You alone

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