Alphabet Messages from Kay

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    Morning all, I hope this penguin gif works when I post it because their wee dance is certainly funny, well I thought it was anyway. If it doesn't then I hope the words will inspire you to do something fun today, after you've joined me for worship of course . Did any of you ever feel when you were younger that you were 'dragged' to church and it was 'no fun' ( i have heard stories of kids getting sookie sweeties in their mouths to keep them quiet) no wonder they may have felt church wasn't fun, never mind Sunday's. Well not in Jackson people- and certainly not in my ministry. Obviously church has a serious and meaningful aspect to Sunday worship but my friends it should also be FUN. God has a sense of humour ( He called me to the ministry ). Part of life is to have fun, God wants His children of all ages to have fun. Church without fun and laughter wouldn't leave you with many happy memories and maybe even leave you thinking of God as a stern, boring God and all too serious God when in fact He's the opposite. I have a vision of a loving, laughing God who loves to see us having fun every day and especially when we worship Him together as a church family, which just happens to be on a Sunday. So church and community, today make sure you have a fun Sunday, a fun worship time and a fun relationship with God. Happy days. God is a God of FUN.

    Rev Kay 

    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord God, thank You for sharing my fun with me. Thank You that You laugh with me and my happiness makes You happy too. Forgive me when I take my life and worship too seriously and forget to have fun. Our world just now seems to be very serious, but today I will make every effort to do something fun knowing You will share it with me. Maybe I could even do a wee dance like the penguins in the image. Thank You God for fun. Amen

    If you're happy and you know it clap your hands......
    If your happy and you it stamp your feet......
    If your happy and you it shout AMEN
    If your happy and you it do all three.


    Good morning all, so now my alphabet challenge has come to an end, what next I ask? Well my friend has been sending me daily images this past week as you see, so I thought I could use them for the next week anyway then see where we go from there. So Saturday, I think that song was from Oklahoma, I have a vague memory of it ( I am happy to be corrected). So is your Saturday beautiful ( discount the weather ).

    Questions: what makes your Saturday beautiful? What can you do to help make your Saturday beautiful? Hopefully the beautiful thoughts, images, tasks outweighs the not so beautiful. Apart from the beautiful things today may have in store for you, I hope you think of yourself

    as beautiful and I don't mean merely an outward physical appearance. I mean your character, personality, thought, love, kindness, thoughtfulness etc. Inner beauty surely is a wonderfully beautiful thing to behold. You know what I am going to say don't you? - God is beautiful and He thinks you are too. He is never wrong so believe it and enjoy your beautiful Saturday in that knowledge and truth. Repeat the mantra - 'l am beautiful

    and so is today'.

    Rev Kay

    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord God, you are in my Saturday so how can today not be beautiful, thank You. Thank You for loving me and believing in me. Thank You for the beauty around me and the pleasure it brings. Amen 


     Good morning all, the word beginning with the letter Z in my alphabet challenge is ZOOM. At the moment the word Zoom is being used more and more in our vocabulary. It's not that we are zooming about all over the place going from shop to shop - queues prevent us from doing that. It's not that we are zooming from one job to the next or socialising etc... it's not as the dictionary says to 'move along very quickly or rise rapidly'
    But it does mean we can very quickly tune in to family, friends, work, colleagues. teachers, conferences... using the zoom app many of you may have downloaded and used. It enables you to see as well as hear the people you are interacting with, whether for professional or personal reasons. There are a few different apps being used at this time helping with communication. I have some good news for you - you don't need a zoom app or any other app for that matter to communicate or get in touch with God. He was in the business of IT and communications long before these apps were ever invented. It's called prayer. Best zoom conference ever!! He will always listen, He will always answer, He looks forward to hearing from you. Now you might be thinking, yes that's great but I can't see Him ( like I can with zoom) even though He can see me...well I would challenge you today to think about if that's true or not. Where can you 'see' God at work day and daily? That's your challenge for today and I am confident you will zoom/rise to the challenge
    Rev Kay
    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Father God may I always be willing to zoom right into the heart of prayer with You and thank You that when I do You are always at the other end accepting my call. Today may I feel blessed as I think about all the ways I see you at work in my life and in the world. Amen

    CHORUS: kids chorus
    I may never march in the infantry
    Ride with the cavalry
    Shoot the artillery
    I may never zoom over enemy
    But I'm in the Lord's army
    I'm in the Lord's army (yes, sir)
    I'm in the Lord's army (yes, sir)
    I may never march in the infantry
    Ride with the cavalry
    Shoot the artillery
    I may never zoom over enemy
    But I'm in the Lord's army


    Good morning all, the word beginning with the letter Y in my alphabet challenge is YES. A positive word which we need to hear more of in today's situation. It may seem that at the moment all our questions re this Lockdown are answered with a NO response filling us with feelings of negativity. I am sure the day we are told the lockdown is over there will be resounding shouts of YES with fist punches in the air then we will be filled with relief, with happiness and joy, with expectation and anticipation of hugging loved ones, being able to return to work and every day normal ( new normal ) activities and more. What I would like you to do today is think of the situations in your life you can still say Yes! to and fist punch the air - hopefully you will be surprised at how many blessings you have and don't need to wait til we are 'allowed out to play'
    Rev Kay
    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord thank You that I can always fist punch the air and shout YES, God loves me! May I never doubt or question that truth but just allow that gracious love to run over me like a waterfall never ending and embracing me with Your power arms of acceptance and security. I say YES to Your love today, tomorrow and forever. Amen

    CHORUS: beautiful and meditative ( if you don't know it - worth a listen on YouTube)
    Isn't He Beautiful? Beautiful Isn't He?
    Prince Of Peace Son Of God, Isn't He?
    Isn't He Wonderful
    Wonderful Isn't He
    Counselor, Almighty God, Isn't He?
    Isn't He? Isn't He?
    Yes You Are
    Yes, You Are (Yes You Are)!
    Prince Of Peace
    Son Of God, Yes You Are!


    I bet you were all wondering what word I could choose beginning with the letter X in my alphabet challenge...well so was I so I trudged the dictionary and Mr Google and have to admit defeat today and go with eXcluded. (wonder what Z will bring?)

    I chose eXcluded not to remind us or make us feel anymore 'down or dumped' than we already are being excluded from our family, friends, church, work, recreation, normal every day activities. But, to remind us that in this eXclusion period we are not excluded from caring for one another, from showing acts of kindness - which is the theme for this week's Mental Health Awareness Week - from learning a new skill, from taking up a new hobby, from making a telephone call, from improving our level of fitness ( maybe that made some of you lol) from making someone laugh, from doing something silly, from ............fill in the space. We may be physically eXcluded from doing many things, but spiritually and emotionally we are not. We can still use our inner strength and ability to help ourselves and others. There is also one person you can never be eXcluded from and who will never eXclude you from His love, His kindness, His compassion, His understanding, His forgiveness, His acceptance, His virtual hugs and that is the Lord Jesus Christ, who knew what it was like here one earth to be eXcluded, so He gets it! If you know anyone who may be feeling totally eXcluded today from life, if you can, show them a little kindness, in this week of Mental Health Awareness.

    Rev Kay

    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank You that I am never excluded from Your love and nothing I will ever do could change that, such is the vastness of Your love for me. I pray for all those who may be suffering from mental health issues which could be exacerbated at this time in our world. May they know Your healing peace within them and around them. I pray too for their families who may feel helpless and uncertain how best to support them. Lord, give me the wisdom and the faith to include You in my daily life, Amen

    CHORUS: MP 825

    Faithful One, so unchanging; ageless one, You're my rock of peace.

    Lord of all, I depend on You, I call out to You again and again,

    I call out to You again and again.

    You are my rock in times of trouble, You lift me up when I fall down;

    all through the storm Your love is the anchor - my hope is in You alone


    The word I have chosen beginning with the letter W in my alphabet challenge is WALK.
    It is very appropriate at this time when we are all being encouraged to leave our homes and go for a walk at least once a day, and more now as long as it's not too far from our homes. Before this Lockdown I walked with friends twice a week for about an hour. Then every 6 weeks or so on a Saturday morning we did a more challenging walk, sometimes up hills and rocky mountains....and of course beautiful woodlands and country side which would take us 3 - 4 hours providing we didn't get lost! I also have daily walks with my dogs ( truth be told in 'normal times' some days the poor wee souls don't get much of a walk) Anyway walking is good for you, good form of exercise, clears the head and gets the muscles moving. Even if you can't get out in the fresh air, you walk indoors ( if you are able). When Jesus travelled around the towns and countryside with His disciples they would have done a lot of walking and probably a lot of talking, and I am sure taken in the beauty of creation. I wonder how many miles they walked, no app or fit bit for counting steps. What do you think about when you are out walking? What do you see, feel, smell, sense? How does a walk affect you? Hopefully it will enhance that 'feel good factor'. If you are able to go out for a walk today have a conversation with God as you do so - even if it's in your head unspoken. If you are unable to go out for a walk, as you walk indoors - still have that conversation with God, he's a good listener. Whatever this day holds, rest in the knowledge that God walks with You, every step of the way.
    Rev Kay
    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: A meditation by Eddie Askew ( a writer and artist I really like )
    An evening walk with you Lord? What would I say? How would it feel to walk by your side,
    to feel the warmth or your breath, to match my step with yours?
    And as we walk, beauty and fragrance surround, the light of your presence, showing the way ahead,
    the path smooth to my feet. My heartbeat slows the rush of my world falls away and I relax
    into your acceptance of who I am.
    And yet I long to be more for you. Stronger, more faithful, and courageous
    Taking giant steps, doing great things all in your name.
    But all you are asking is that I walk with you today. AMEN


    I am weak but Thou art strong
    Jesus keep me from all wrong
    I'll be satisfied as long
    As I walk, let me walk close to Thee

    Just a closer walk with Thee
    Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
    Daily walking close to Thee
    Let it be, dear Lord, let it be

    When my feeble life is o'er
    Time for me will be no more
    Guide me gently, safely o'er
    To Thy kingdom's shore, to Thy shore

    Just a closer walk with Thee
    Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
    Daily walking close to Thee
    Let it be, dear Lord, let it be


     Morning All, the word I have chosen today for the letter V in my alphabet challenge is VALUE. Some more questions ( not like me you might say?). What do you value in life. Who do you value in life? What are your values in life? Some might value their possessions - valuable jewellery; a car may be for some their pride and joy, for others their home, holiday home etc... Where as for others it may be their health, family - especially value holiday time with family, others may value good manners, respect, a moral compass in life. I am sure you can add many more to this small list. For Christians the value is in the person of Jesus Christ who instills within us the value of caring for others, loving God and treating people the way we would like to be treated that's the truth of the Gospel message we are called to share. Great values to live by sometimes hard to achieve, but we should always strive to achieve them, never give up trying and when we fall short, then learn from it. I have this wee saying, 'do your best better and do your better best'. Think about it, you'll get it . During this time as your Minister and friend I value your friendship and the sense of community spirit I witness in the parish. I hope you value that too, and each other. One last thing, the Lord Jesus Christ values you so so much that He will never turn you away when you call His name.

    Rev Kay
    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord Jesus, it's very comforting and reassuring to know that You think I am worth Your love and that You value me as a child of Yours. May I always remember to thank You and value that truth in my daily life. Amen


    You laid aside Your majesty, gave up everything for me.
    Suffered at the hands of those You had created.
    You took away my guilt and shame,
    When You died and rose again.
    Now today You reign,
    And heaven and earth exalt You.
    I really want to worship You my Lord,
    You have won my heart and I am Yours.
    Forever and ever, I will love You.
    You are the only one who died for me,
    Gave Your life to set me free.
    So I lift my voice to You in adoration.


    Morning All, the word I have chosen today for the letter U in my alphabet challenge is UNBELIEVABLE. Remember Victor Meldrew the character in One Foot in the Grave, TV sitcom, his catchphrase 'I don't believe it!'
    We often say that don't we - 'I don't believe it' - or 'that's unbelievable' and its quite often in a negative way, that you can't actually believe what you witnessed even though it's true. I don't believe I/he/she/they said or did such a thing....unbelievable !!
    the length of that queue is unbelievable .
    I am sure that sentiment was even around when Jesus walked this earth.
    Disciples often thought it was unbelievable Jesus did what he did during his ministry and their time with Him. ( think of some of the stories, here's a starter for 10, the loaves and fishes story ) If you had been there at His trial you may have thought it was unbelievable the crowds wanted to free Barabbas and not Jesus. You may have thought it was unbelievable He forgave them as he hung on a cross. You may have thought - as many still do - that He rose from the dead so that we my have life eternal with Him.
    Unbelievable!! - I think not. 

    Rev Kay
    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord of life, of love, of forgiveness and acceptance. May I never
    doubt that truth, may I always BELIEVE in You and the influence You can have on my life. Give me the wisdom and strength to always have the courage to say I Believe in Jesus. Amen

    I believe in Jesus,
    I believe He is the Son of God,
    I believe He died and rose again
    I believe He paid for us all.
    And I believe He's here now
    Standing in our midst,
    Here with the power to heal now
    And the grace to forgive.


    The word I have chosen for the letter T in my alphabet challenge is TRUST

    Trust is a small word with a big meaning. Who do you trust? Who can you trust? Have you ever been let down by someone's lack of trust? Can you be trusted? When I was chaplain at Rachel House we went on a team building away day to Aberfoyle. Lots of exercises and tasks to complete both physical and mental. One of those exercises was you had to fall back into a colleagues arms, eyes closed and trust they were there, hadn't moved away and were going to catch you. Maybe you've done that as part of a trust exercise, scary and enlightening at the same time. My first question was who do you trust? Maybe I should have asked who CAN you trust? which is a wee bit different. Maybe some of you have difficulty in trusting our politicians, our scientists, our medical experts right now as the situation seems to change so rapidly from one day to the next. I have heard conversations in the queues going something like 'can't trust the numbers', or' can't trust a word that comes out any of their mouths', or 'you wouldn't know who to trust just now', and more.... Well my friends in the midst of all this uncertainty the one person you can trust is God - FACT! You will never be let down by Him, He doesn't change His mind, He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and when you fall He will surely catch if you know nothing else today know me

    Rev Kay     God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Oh Lord my God, I do trust You even at times it may not seem like I do. I trust You always have my best interest at heart. I trust that Your love for me is unconditional. I trust You will always forgive and accept me for who I am. I trust You will walk with me in the dark places and I certainly trust You will always catch me when I fall then encourage me to stand up again and take every step with me as I continue my journey. Thank You Lord, Amen


    Father, I place into your hands

    The things I cannot do,

    Father, I place into your hands

    The things that I've been through.

    Father, I place into your hands

    The way that I should go,

    For I know I always can trust you.

    Father, I place into your hands

    My friends and family.

    Father, I place into your hands

    The things that trouble me.

    Father, I place into your hands

    The person I would be,

    For I know I always can trust you.

    Father, we love to see your face,

    We love to hear your voice.

    Father, we love to sing your praise

    And in your name rejoice.

    Father, we love to walk with you

    And in your presence rest,

    For we know we always can trust you.

    Father, I want to be with you

    And do the things you do.

    Father, I want to speak the words

    That you are speaking too.

    Father, I want to love the ones

    That you will draw to you,

    For I know that I am one with you.


    Morning All
    The word I have chosen today for the letter S in my alphabet challenge is SPECIAL. I am sure there are many people in your lives who are special to you. Thank God for them right now. I am equally sure you have many many memories of special occasions shared with friends and loved ones. Reflect and thank God for them right now. Here's the thing - do you know you really are a very special child in the eyes of God. If you do, thank Him for that truth right now. If you don't know then believe this wee Minister - coz she doesn't tell porky pies, well no big ones anyway - I am telling you here and now that you are. You are so special, so so special that God loves you as though there was only one of you to love. So no matter what your day holds take heart and relish in that truth YOU ARE SPECIAL TO THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and He loves you unconditionally, happy days and praise His name. Rev Kay
    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Father God thank You for thinking I am special. Thank You for believing in me, help me to believe in myself coz when I do that then maybe just maybe I will believe I am special and precious in Your sight and I will be able to live my life to the full and achieve all my hopes and dreams in the knowledge I am worth so much more than what I think I am. Amen

    I'm special because God has loved me
    For He gave the best thing that He had to save me
    His own son Jesus crucified to take the blame for all the bad things I have done.
    Thank You Jesus, thank You Lord,
    For loving me so much.
    I know I don't deserve anything.
    Help me feel Your love right now,
    To know deep in my heart
    That I'm Your special friend.


    Morning All

    The word I have chosen today for the letter R in my alphabet challenge is ROCK.

    The word ROCK is used in many different ways . Have you heard the saying 'between a rock and a hard place?' It means you have found yourself in a difficult situation where you have a choice to make with equally unpleasant outcomes. Not a nice situation to be in because it often means that someone is going to be left disappointed. Rocks can be used for building, they can be used for climbing - physically and mentally! Sadly they can also be used for throwing and causing damage and injury. I like to think of rocks in a positive my wee walking group I have a sense of a achievement after climbing over them ( after much moaning and huffing and puffing ).

    People often say that another person has been their rock in times of unrest, Ill health and worry. In the bible  there are many stories where a rock or rocks are mentioned ( bible study lesson for you, how many can you think of ). How often has Jesus been your rock, your cornerstone, your firm foundation, the rock whose love will never loosen no matter how much you 'climb over it'? He is the ROCK who will never be moved, hallelujah and Praise His Holy Name.

    Rev Kay . God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord Jesus thank You for being my rock. Thank You that when I need You I know where to find You - deep in my heart - that's where the foundation stone of your love is based. Give me the strength never to stumble or fall over it but to use it to stand tall, achieve and overcome all my fears and worries, then rest in the safety of Your arms. Amen


    The wise man built his house upon the rock x 3

    And the rails came tumbling down.

    The rains came down and the floods came up x 3

    And the house upon the rock stood firm.

    The foolish man built his house upon the sand x 3

    And the rains came tumbling down.

    The rains came down and the floods came up x 3

    And the house upon the sand fell down.

    So build your life on the Lord Jesus Christ x 3

    And the blessings will come down.

    The blessings come down as your prayers go up x 3

    So build your life on the Lord.


    tMorning All

    The word I have chosen today for the letter Q in my alphabet challenge is QUEUE....maybe that made you smile. We seem to be living in a world of queues just now. Everywhere you go queues, people are asking in social media if anyone knows the length of the queue at different shops. There is even an app which shows you length of queues. ( would we moan as much waiting in queues for the sales or to get the latest gadget ?) To be fair that's not new technology, just go to any theme park and you can find out the queue time for rides. When Krispy Kreme first opened up at Hermiston Gait it was reported the queue went on for miles 🤔. I wonder how like the queue will be when McDonalds open again. What has queues got to do with faith you might ask? Well maybe not a lot other than it got me thinking and asking some questions:

    I wonder if people queued up to listen to Jesus on the shores and hills of Galilee?

    I wonder if people queued up just to catch a glimpse of Him?

    I wonder if people queued up to have Him lay His hands on them and pray?

    I can think of a few stories in the bible where I can find answers to those questions.....can you? If you can post them and I'll give you marks out of 10

    Here's the thing - the one thing you don't have to queue up for is to meet Him in prayer . Also there is no queue to invite Him into your life - how awesome is that? Rev Kay

    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord Jesus thank You  that there is no Queue for Your love, I don't need to stand in line to receive Your love.  Forgive my impatience when I don't trust Your will for my life thinking I know best. Help me to understand and accept that You love me so much and always have my best interest at heart. Amen


    1 What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought

    since Jesus came into my heart!

    I have light in my soul for which long I had sought,

    since Jesus came into my heart!

    Since Jesus came into my heart,

    since Jesus came into my heart,

    floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll,

    since Jesus came into my heart.


    Morning All
    The word I have chosen today for the letter P in my alphabet challenge is PEACE
    Who amongst you has ever said 'away and gie ma heid peace?' OR ' can I not even get a minutes peace?' or words to that effect? We all want, in fact, we all need a bit of peace in our lives, it's essential for our physical and mental well being. How are you at finding inner peace in the midst of turmoil in your life? Are you able to switch off, find a quiet space and take some deep breaths to focus your mind? If not why not? I try hard - sometimes fail - to start my day with some peace time for me and God. I believe when I am able to achieve that then my day seems to be less stressful even in the hectic days. In Johns Gospel Jesus says "Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid." There is no better peace than that - I pray you can revel in that truth today.
    Rev Kay
    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord Jesus thank You for leaving me Your loving peace. Forgive me for the times I forget that truth. Remind me when I get myself all stressed out to recall those words and be comforted by them. No matter what today has in store for me I pray that the peace of God which passes all understanding rests within me today and always. Amen

    I've got peace like a river
    I've got peace like a river
    I've got peace like a river in my soul
    I've got peace like a river
    I've got peace like a river
    I've got peace like a river in my soul

    I've got love like an ocean
    I've got love like an ocean
    I've got love like an ocean in my soul
    I've got love like an ocean
    I've got love like an ocean
    I've got love like an ocean in my soul


    Morning All

    The word I have chosen today for the letter O in my alphabet challenge is OVERFLOWING. So question for you - are you overflowing with God's love this morning? I'll leave that for you to answer. We are all at different stages in our journey of life. We are all dealing with different circumstances in our lives. We are all - I imagine - asking lots of questions about the present situation and I also imagine we all have an opinion about it. Here's the thing WE ARE ALL being bathed in God's love and it overflows, a never ending waterfall of His precious love for us. Romans 15:13 says

    ' I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace while you trust in him. Then your hope will overflow by the power of the Holy Spirit'.

    I echo that prayer for you and yours today, tomorrow and forever. Rev Kay

    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord thank You that Your love for me overflows, overflows and overflows some more. May I always be open and willing to be drenched and soaked to the skin by that truth that my love for You never dries up. What an amazing God You are and I praise Your holy name forever. Amen

    CHORUS: old favourite

    Running over, running over

    My cups full and running over.

    Since the Lord saved me I'm as happy as can be,

    My cups full and running over.

    Telling others, telling others,

    My life's work is telling others,

    Since the Lord lives in me

    I'm as happy as can be

    My life's work is telling others


     Morning All
    The word I have chosen today for the letter N in my alphabet challenge is NORMAL. So come on now tell the truth - who among you thinks they are 'normal?' . I have often heard people say 'normal is over rated'. People have asked the question for many years 'what is normal?' Who decided what normal is? What may be normal to one person is not normal for another. I think your definition of what you consider normal depends on many factors in life eg your heritage, how you've been brought up, how you've been influenced by others views, what we hear on the television or read etc..... if you think about it hard enough you will realise the partial truth or whole truth of that - I think.
    How many of you have said the current situation isn't normal .... I have definitely heard that many times standing in queues as well as 'this is the new normal' ..For me I think normal is whatever it is you do in life that brings you fulfilment, wholeness and happiness and feels right for you ( except if it's breaking the law 🤔). It's a tough one trying to determine what's normal and what's not and I suspect many people have sat on committees or been part of debating teams trying to figure it out. Here's the thing ......What IS NORMAL is the fact that a man called Jesus died and rose again that we may be forgiven and accepted by Him and have the opportunity to live life to the full in the knowledge of that truth....that my friends is a NORMAL happy day. Rev Kay
    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord Jesus thank You that Your love for me is perfectly normal. Thank You that You think I am normal ( coz sometimes I wonder at myself.) May spending time with You always be a normal part of my day. I love You Lord, Amen

    CHORUS: from the blue chorus book again....( if you are able sing the parts and do the actions )
    Over and over like a mighty sea
    Comes the love of Jesus, rolling over me
    Over the sea, over the sea,
    Jesus Saviour pilot me,
    Over the sea, over the sea,
    Over the jasper sea.


    Morning All
    The word I have chosen today for the letter M in my alphabet challenge is MISSION. Many startup business plans include a mission statement, the church has a mission statement, there are religious missionaries, there are quite a few definitions of mission. The one I would like you to think about today is a personal mission specifically for you. I am setting you special assignment that you will make it your mission to achieve something today. Now in this time of lockdown it can be anything from clearing out 'that cupboard' you've been meaning to do for years, clearing out the garage, panting the fence - you know the kind of thing I mean. You might want to think about phoning 'that person' you've never got round to phoning, finishing a project, learning a new skill, spending more time in devotions with God - as they say in Mission Impossible' this is your mission should you choose to accept it?' It will be interesting to see if any one posts their achievement (s) stating Mission Accomplished! I might just post mine - you'll need to wait and see 🤔
    Rev Kay
    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I wonder if you questioned the mission Your Heavenly Father set before You or if You just accepted it with humble trust and faith in His love. Whether you did or not, I am just so grateful that You did because my life has been so blessed - even in the hard and sore times. Help me now to achieve my mission today and then maybe, just maybe as my journey in life travels on I might just have enough faith to carry on Your mission of sharing the good news of Your unconditional love. AMEN

    This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
    This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine,
    This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

    Hide it under a bushel - oh NO!
    I'm gonna let it shine.
    Hide it under a bushel - oh NO!
    I'm gonna let it shine,
    Hide it under a bushel - oh NO!
    I'm gonna let it shine,
    let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.


    Morning All
    The word I have chosen today for the letter L in my alphabet challenge is LIFE.
    ( I was going to choose LIBERATION but thought better of it )
    How apt are the words In this image. As you have heard me say a few times on Sunday worship and in these posts that this situation is only temporary. However, I don't say it to belittle the situation we find ourselves in, I am fully aware that for some people this Lockdown situation is particularly traumatic - maybe even more so for those in the shielding process. Having said that Life is precious and we should make the most of each day as best we can whether in lockdown or not. Jesus said in John 10:10b "I have come in order that you might have lifeā€”life in all its fullness." What does that mean for you?
    Where is your life at just now? How can Jesus help you to live it in full? What's stopping you living life to the full - even in lockdown? I read a quote recently which said 'wherever life plants you - bloom with grace'. So are you a bloomer or a weed, I ask? Rev Kay
    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank You for my life, warts and all. Thank You that You offer me fullness of life because that means that even in the rough times I am able to be the best I can and make the most of the life I have because You are right here with me. Forgive me when I forget that truth. Amen

    CHORUS: from the old blue chorus book;
    All glory to God He lifted me up,
    He lifted me up I know,
    He stretched forth His hand and He lifted me up and that's why I love Him so.
    I love Him more and more,
    I love Him more and more,
    And when I stand upon the other shore
    I'll love Him more and more.


     Morning All
    The word I have chosen today for the letter K in my alphabet challenge is KING.
    When you think of a King, what image do you see in your mind. A majestic figure all dressed in robes? a crown of gold? carrying a sceptre? surrounded by servants and an entourage, people bowing down in service....? I would imagine it would be something like that. When we see official royal occasions - albeit it we have our Queen- it's something like that. Now contrast that with the King of Kings, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. His majestic figure wore a plain robe, which was eventually ripped from him and gambled on, his crown was made of jaggy thorns which made his head bleed it was pushed so hard in his head, He carried a cross and the sins of the world rather than an expensive sceptre, He was surrounded by friends who did their best to follow Him, some who found it too hard and betrayed Him or gave up on Him. Amazingly He bowed down and served us - not the other way round. Wow what a King, can you imagine? I suggest you get a cuppa, try and find a quiet place at some point today and let that truth sink in and give Him your grateful thanks. Rev Kay
    God Loves You - No Matter What

    PRAYER: King of kings and Lord of lords thank You, thank You, thank You. I have no words sufficient enough to tell You how much you mean to me - but I hope You do. Amen

    His name is wonderful; His name is wonderful
    His name is wonderful; Jesus my Lord
    He is the mighty King; Master of everything
    His name is wonderful; Jesus my Lord
    He's the great Shepherd;
    The Rock of all ages
    Almighty God is He
    Bow down before Him; Love and adore Him
    His name is wonderful; Jesus my Lord.




    Morning All

    The word I have chosen today for the letter J in my alphabet challenge is JESUS. I thought I would also challenge myself to describe Jesus using all the letters of the alphabet. If I manage it then maybe you can do the challenge as well but use different words for each letter - be interesting to see what's posted. Here goes....

    JESUS IS.......

    Amazing , Beautiful, Cool, Dependable, Exciting, Forgiving, Gracious, Healing,

    Irreplaceable, Joy, King, Loving, Majestic, Near, Omnipotent, Praiseworthy, Quality, Risen, Secure, Trustworthy, Understandig, Victorious, Wonderful, Xtraordinary (okay cheated )

    Yabbadbbdoo, Zestful.

    So I think I did not too bad except for the letter X.... try and see how you get on. The truth of the matter is Jesus is all those things and so much more, Praise the Lord. Rev Kay

    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord Jesus all the words in the world could never adequately describe You. You are life itself. You are love. You are wholeness. You are truth....You are my friend what more can I possibly ask for. Thank You that You think I am special and worthy of Your love. Amen


    Jesus loves me this I know

    For the Bible tells me so

    Little ones to Him belong

    They are weak but He is strong.

    Yes, Jesus loves me

    Yes, Jesus loves me

    Yes Jesus loves me,

    the Bible tells me so.

    2 Jesus loves me he who died

    heaven's gate to open wide.

    He will wash away my sin,

    let his little child come in.

    Yes, Jesus loves me.....

    3 Jesus loves me, He will stay

    Close beside me all the way,

    then His little child will take

    Up to heaven for His dear sake.

    Yes, Jesus loves me......


     Morning All

    The word I have chosen today for the letter I in my alphabet challenge is IMAGINATION....Do you have a good imagination? When I was at school and had to write a story my imagination came in handy - it was about the only thing I was any good at . My imagination could take me to far away countries, it helped me think about different scenarios, I really enjoyed writing story's at school. In the situation we find ourselves in just now, maybe you have imagined yourself on holiday sitting in a beach or at a pool when all this is over. Maybe you have imagined a different way of life, more family centred, more caring community etc. Today when you are out your walk or having a cuppa, use your imagination to take you to a place which holds special memories for you or takes you to a place you are looking forward to going, whatever it is make sure it's a place which makes you smile and brings you some peace of heart. The one thing you won't have to imagine or question is God's love for you - that's a given and that's a fact and that's a truth. Happy Days

    Rev Kay

    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: God although I don't need to question Your love for me, sometimes I imagine it may be hard for You to love me - just as I am - with all my faults and failings. Then I imagine how You must have felt when You witnessed the crucifixion of Your son and I can't, but, I remember why it happened and then I let my imagination take me to the Resurrection and the truth of that reality and then I feel blessed and special. Thank you for the gift of imagination, Amen

    CHORUS: from the old blue chorus book, if you can't remember the time I hope the words bless you.

    I'm so happy here's the reason why,

    Jesus took my burdens all away.

    Now I'm singing as the days go by

    Jesus took my burdens all away.

    Once I was unhappy with a load of sin,

    Jesus took the load and gave me peace within,

    Now I'm signing as the days go by,

    Jesus took my burdens all away.


    tMorning All

    The word I have chosen today for the letter H in my alphabet challenge is HALLELUJAH.... a shout or song of praise to God. However sometimes it's not used that way - how often have you said 'hallelujah' when you finished a task, or last exam, or a shift at work and I am sure God won't mind, I think He would accept the sentiment in which its was said - a thankful exclamation. Praising God and singing or shouting Hallelujah is a wonderful way to share your love for Him. Some Christian praise services people shout out Hallelujah or Praise God when moved by the Holy Spirit to do so - truth be told you don't hear of that in many Presbyterian churches, when I visit Lynne in USA it is common in the church she often worships in on Saturday nights. If something brings you joy today or you finish a task or you walk an extra mile or finish your daily workout DVD - if you complete something you never thought you would then feel free to shout Hallelujah. If you want to just give God thanks and praise for His undying love then do that too. Hallelujah, God is love, He loves me and He loves you, what's not to shout Hallelujah about

    Rev Kay

    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: hallelujah, hallelujah and hallelujah what a great and loving God You are and what a privilege it is for me to know you as my Heavenly Father, my friend, my companion, my Saviour and Lord. Hallelujah what a Saviour. Amen

    CHORUS: ( do the actions ) if there is more than one of you singing this. One stands up for the Hallelu's then the other stands up for the Praise ye the Lord. Then swap

    Hallelu , hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah

    Praise the the Lord

    Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah

    Praise ye the Lord.

    Praise ye the Lord,


    Praise ye the Lord,


    Praise ye the Lord,


    Praise ye the Lord.


     Morning All

    The word I have chosen today for the letter G in my alphabet challenge is GRATEFULNESS. I am positive that even in the midst of this pandemic and Lockdown there are lots you can be grateful for. Take a moment later today to list all the people, all the things, all the situations you are grateful for, I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised at the length of the list. I have spoken to many people during this time who said they will never take so many things for granted again. I hope that continues after this because I think grateful people are happier more content people. I am grateful for many things in my life, family and friends .....I am especially grateful I worship a God who is a God of Love, a God who doesn't keep a score of wrongs - otherwise I would be top of the list ☹️. I am grateful to be the minister of Jackson and serve in a caring community, I'll stop there and make my list later otherwise I would go on for a long time

    I hope your list brings a smile to your face and warms your heart. Rev Kay

    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord God I am grateful that each new morning brings new blessings from You. I am grateful for the Easter message and the truth and promises it contains. I am sorry for the days I think there is nothing in my life to be grateful for because deep down I know there is. Thank You Lord for being with me this day no matter what it holds. Amen


    Give thanks with a grateful heart

    Give thanks to the Holy One

    Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son

    Give thanks with a grateful heart

    Give thanks to the Holy One

    Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son

    And now let the weak say, "I am strong"

    Let the poor say, "I am rich

    Because of what the Lord has done for us"

    And now let the weak say, "I am strong"

    Let the poor say, "I am rich

    Because of what the Lord has done for us"

    Give thanks....


    Morning All

    The word I have chosen today for the letter F in my alphabet challenge is FUN. I decided that today we should all have some FUN. So I have set you a challenge - think of 3 ways you could have fun today.

    Fill in the blanks in your head. I will have fun today by doing:




    Doing fun things can often brighten up the dreariest of days. Doing fun things can make all the worries you are carrying seem lighter - even if it's for a wee while. Doing fun things make memories. Doing fun things is just fun . I think it pleases our Father in heaven when He sees His children having fun. Think about how you feel when you see children having fun, it can lift your spirits or maybe even make you feel a bit nostalgic of your own childhood. We are all children at heart no matter our age - so today your minister 'instructs' you to have FUN and enjoy it.

    Rev Kay

    God love you - No Matter What.

    PRAYER: God today as I have some fun, thank You for sharing it with me. I hope it makes You smile as You share my joy. I get great pleasure and joy Lord from knowing You, You fill my whole being with joy and love, thank You for the gift of laughter and the benefit of fun. Amen


    Joy, joy, my heart is full of joy,

    Joy, joy, my heart is full of joy,

    My Saviour dear is ever near,

    That's the reason why my heart is full of joy. 


     Morning All

    The word I have chosen for the letter E in my alphabet daily message challenge is ENDURANCE. We have all had to endure much these past weeks. Endure daily challenges within this Lockdown. Endure endless information which often seems conflicting. Endure the worry and anxiety. Endure daily statistics and more - quite negative endurance's. The word Endure I think often conjures up a feeling of negativity, you know kind of like - 'oh I had to put up with (endure) such and such'. But my friends endurance often leads to positive outcomes - think of Moses 40 years to get to the Promised Land he and the Israelites endures all the trials of the wilderness and poor Moses never even got to enter the Promised Land but I am certain his endurance brought him great joy in serving his Lord and giving him the glory. He faced and withstood those years with courage, persistent and faithful. What about you, what situation(s) are you facing just now? How is your endurance level? If it's waning what can you do to kick start it again? If it's at an okay level what can you do to maintain it? In the book of Isaiah 40:31

    But those who trust in the Lord for help

    find their strength renewed.

    They will rise on wings like eagles;

    they will run and not get weary;

    they will walk and not grow weak.

    Rev Kay

    God Loves You - No Matter What

    PRAYER - see image and repeat aloud. Amen

    CHORUS: To the tune of the Flintstones-

    God's love is the best love that the world has ever ever known

    deeper than the deep sea is the love that God above has shown

    Higher than a rocket up in space

    Wider than the total human race

    God's love is the best love that the world has ever, has ever ever, has ever known.


    Morning All

    The word for the 4th letter of the alphabet challenge I have chosen is DISCOVERY.

    If ever there was a time for self-reflection and discovery then this is it. Some questions for today, take time to ponder over them.

    1. What do you think the greatest discovery in the world has been?
    2. What has been your greatest discovery?
    3. What have you discovered about yourself during lockdown? Did it surprise you?
    4. If you were able to discover something which would benefit others, what would it be?
    5. Did you know that God's love for you is ready and waiting to be discovered anew - everyday?

    When you discover God's love - job done. So my friends today take note - the greatest spiritual discovery in life is knowing that Almighty God loves you with a perfect love and accepts you just as you are.

    Rev Kay

    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord God, this day may I, with Your help, discover new gifts within me. May I discover that I am actually an 'okay person' May I discover that with Your help I can achieve my dreams and fulfil my goals. May I discover anew Your great love for me. Amen 


    I Am a New Creation,

    No more in Condemnation,

    Here in the Grace of God I stand.

    My Heart is Overflowing,

    My Love just keeps on Growing,

    Here in the Grace of God I stand.

    And I will Praise You, Lord,

    yes I will Praise You, Lord,

    and I will Sing of all that You have done.

    A Joy that knows no limit,

    a Lightness in My Spirit

    Here in the Grace of God I stand.


    Morning All,

    So the word I have chosen from the letter C in my alphabet challenge is CROSSROADS. If you are a driver and you come to a crossroads in the road, it's usually fairly simple to choose which way to go. There are usually signposts or you can follow a map - or Sat Nav if more techy minded. Life, however, is not so easy at times. Often when you have a difficult decision to make, not knowing which way to turn, can cause much anxiety and sleepless nights, especially when it's a life changing decision which will affect not only yourself but those who you love. I have reached many crossroads in my life, sometimes I have made the right decision and followed the right path and other times I haven't. But, even in the time's I haven't I have grown, I have learned something, I have understood why it didn't work out etc.... All I would say is - when you find yourself at a crossroads in your life - there is no better satellite navigator than almighty God. He will never take you down a wrong road, He will always be your guide. The times I took the wrong path were the times I thought I knew best or I kidded myself on it was God led.....humbled much ?! I sure was. I'll leave that thought with you.

    Rev Kay

    God loves you - No Matter What


    Dear God, it's reassuring to know that when I reach crossroads in life - and I will - that You will be by my side to take my hand and lead me to the left or to the right. But, You will always lead me the way I should go. Help me to trust in Your wisdom and give You all the glory. Amen


    Abba Father, Let Me Be

    Yours And Yours Alone.

    May My Will For Ever Be

    Evermore Your Own.

    Never Let My Heart Grow Cold,

    Never Let Me Go.

    Abba Father, Let Me Be

    Yours And Yours Alone


     Morning All

    So day 2 challenge, the letter B - Beauty

    You know something, even in the midst of all the unrest, the anxiety, the seemingly dark days - there is beauty. The daffodils are blooming, the tulips, the snowdrops, butterflies, even the bumble bees. When I walk the dogs I see people tending their gardens, I look at the green hills, I see trees blossoming ( I love the cherry blossoms in bloom ) When I was a midwife in 'The Rottenrow' the hospital badge was the snowdrop - signifying new life. You know people 'new life' will come again, by that I mean this way of life we are living just now will pass - and who knows this new life may be even better, more balanced, more fruitful, more tolerant. What would you like this 'new life' to look like ??? In the beauty of creation and nature may your hearts always be open to see the beauty in each other. Wouldn't that be something beautiful.

    Rev Kay

    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: Lord thank You for nature of every kind. Thank You for beauty because if we open our eyes and our hearts wide enough we can see beauty all around us, not only in nature but in each other. Thank You for the beauty we see in Your love and for the beauty we read in Your word. Help us this day to appreciate at least one aspect of beauty. Amen


    All things bright and beautiful,

    All creatures great and small,

    All things wise and wonderful,

    The lord god made them all.

    Each little flower that opens,

    Each little bird that sings,

    He made their glowing colours,

    He made their little wings.

    All things bright .....

    The purpleheaded mountain,

    The river running by,

    The sunset and the morning,

    That brightens up the sky.

    All things bright .......

    The cold wind in the winter,

    The pleasant summer sun,

    The ripe fruits in the garden,

    He made them every one.

    All things bright .......


    Morning All,

    I thought I would set myself a challenge and try to post an encouraging image with a message to match going through the letters of the Alphabet - big task maybe but I love a challenge and I am sure if there is a day I get 'stuck' you will forgive me. So today I am starting with APPRECIATION. I really - appreciate - the words on the image. We all feel a sense of self worth when someone tells us they appreciate us or what we did or do for them. Not in a conceited way but with a sense of satisfaction that our action(s) helped another. See a lot of that just now - especially with our clapping on Thursday evenings for the NHS, or doing neighbours shopping etc all those acts of kindness are appreciated and even though those acts are done out of love seeking nothing in return, it's nice to be appreciated. So your challenge for today - is there someone you need to show your appreciation to today - don't need grand gestures just the words, ' thank you I appreciate all you do for me'.

    Rev Kay

    God loves you - No Matter What

    PRAYER: God our Father, in case I haven't said it often enough, I appreciate Your love, Your forgiveness, Your acceptance, Your understanding, Your wisdom and guidance.... in fact I appreciate all of You and especially for always being there for me and never ever letting me down, so great is Your love. AMEN


    I'm accepted, I'm forgiven,

    I am fathered by the true and living God.

    I'm accepted, no condemnation,

    I am loved by the true and living God.

    There's no guilt or fear as I draw near

    To the Saviour and creator of the world,

    There is joy and peace as I release

    My worship to You O Lord

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